Computer Services

Computers | Wireless | EBooks, Downloadable Audiobooks & Streaming Video | Databases
All branches have computers that allow access to the following:
- Internet
- Word processing
- Spreadsheet & presentation software
- GALILEO (Georgia Library Learning Online) a statewide network of subscription databases.
Examples of some of these databases include Learning Express Library offering tutorials, practice tests such SAT, ACT, GED and other tests along with a Job and Career Accelerator. Mango Languages, through Galileo, offers online learning of over 60 languages. Other databases offer magazine and newspaper articles, full text, directories, and more.
How do I sign up to use a library computer?
The library requires a PINES library card to log into a library computer. You must use your own library card. Do not borrow someone else's or lend yours out. Guests from out of state may acquire a guest pass at the circulation desk.
Can I print?
Yes, it is $.10 a page to print with black and white and $.50 a page for color.
Can I download files?
You may download files to a removable storage device, such as a flash drive. Some branches have flash drives available for purchase.
Is staff available to help me on the computer?
Staff cannot provide extended one-on-one instruction, but can often suggest appropriate programs or resources.
Can children use the Internet at the library?
Yes, as long as the legal guardian has provided signed permission for child to use the Internet.
Does the library filter its computers?
The Library complies with the federal Children's Internet Protection Act and uses a content filter to block access to sites that are in violation of the Library's Internet Use Policy. If you are 18 or older, you may choose to have the filter disabled temporarily, should it interfere with your ability to do research.
Can I check my email from a library computer?
You may use library computers to check your email account.
Can I access Galileo from home or my office? You can access most GALILEO databases from your home or office computer. You will need your library card and PIN. The Ancestry Library Edition database is available through Galileo but can only be accessed at the library.
Where do I go to get Ebooks and Downloadable Audiobooks?
You will need to go Overdrive and login with your library card number and pin.